Sunday, November 24, 2013

Proposition 34 in California

Main Argument:
Proposition 34 is a bill which would abolish the death penalty, and in its place, have people serve life imprisonment without the possibility of parole. Supporters of prop 34 argue that the death penalty should not be utilized because it’s both costly and cruel.  However, I disagree because people’s living expenses are also very costly, and some crimes are so unthinkable that the death penalty serves justice right. With a yes on proposition 34, we are only providing health care, food, and housing for torturous and psychopathic criminals. 

This video illustrates the reasons as to why people should vote “no” on proposition 34. It demonstrates that people are responsible for their destiny, and it’s their own fault if they decide to commit a crime. They should already know that there are consequences along with criminal actions. Without the death penalty, convicts don’t suffer or their wrong doings. The video shows pictures of convicts along with their victims and a description of what they did in order to highlight the severity of certain crimes and how they deserve capital punishment.

The vote on proposition 34 in California resulted in 47.2 percent of the population voting “yes,” while the other 52.8 percent voted “no.” This results in the bill not being passed, keeping the death penalty in place.

Significant Quotes: 
“California is broke. Abolishing  the death penalty costs taxpayers $100 million over the next four years and many millions more in the future. Instead of justice, killers get lifetime housing/healthcare benefits” (Smart Voter).

Proposition 34 would actually cost more money due to the amount of living expenses that would be required. With it not passing, there are a few less people that would need a lifetime supply of support, who don’t necessarily deserve it.

“Prop 34 lets serial killers, cop killers, child killers, and those who kill the elderly, escape justice. Proponents don’t acknowledge that when californias death penalty was eliminated before, condemned criminals were released only to kill and rape again” (Smart Voter).

Prop 34 is letting killers and other serious criminals get off the easy way. Although sitting in a prison for the rest of their lives is tortuous for some, many people don’t think it serves justice enough for the unthinkable crimes that they have committed.

“The death penalty is given to less than 2% of murderers whose crimes are so shocking that juries of law-abiding citizens unanimously delivered the sentence” (Smart Voter).

This demonstrates how serious people take the death penalty. They don’t just give a ton of people capital punishment; the crime has to be extremely severe. This proves that it’s not used carelessly.

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