Sunday, November 24, 2013

Prop 34: The Death Penalty Initiative

Main Argument:
In the recent election, California voters chose to keep Proposition 34 in effect.  This means that any serious crimes committed would have the ultimate penalty, which would result in death.  Serious crimes would be considered multiple pre-meditated events.  This proposition would only take effect if the perpetrator is found guilty beyond unreasonable doubt.  Not only does the death penalty bring relieve to the families it also creates another form of crime deterrent.  Prison time is a very good deterrent but for many, more is needed.  With this ultimate punishment, it would minimize the crime rate. 

Link and Analysis:

            In this video Kevin Mickelson, the president of the Sacramento County Deputy Sheriffs’ Association talks simply about Proposition 34.  He believes in the death penalty and goes on to say that the opposing side says it will cost much more to keep the death penalty intact.  A district attorney of Sacramento stated that many people believe that the system is too broken and could not be repaired.  The ones for the death penalty believe that is simply not true.  The system can and will be fixed, and will deliver justice.
Visual Argument and Analysis:

This shows how many states are in favor of the death penalty.  Capital punishment is legal in 32 U.S. states.  Approximately 1,308 inmates are awaiting execution.  Some states such as, Connecticut, Maryland and New Mexico have abolished the death penalty, but it is not retroactive. Prisoners on death row in those states will still be executed. 

Significant quotes & Analysis:

“To me, capital punishment is a form of societal self- defense. It should not be employed indiscriminately, but in cases of the most heinous crimes, the death penalty may be the only appropriate punishment” – John Ashcroft (prodpquotes)

This states that the death penalty is a way to keep the citizen of the United States safe.  That this may be our only way to defend ourselves from these awful people who committed horrible crimes. 

People fear nothing more than death. Therefore, nothing will deter a criminal more than the fear of death... life in prison is less feared. Murderers clearly prefer it to execution -- otherwise, they would not try to be sentenced to life in prison instead of death... Therefore, a life sentence must be less deterrent than a death sentence. And we must execute murderers as long as it is merely possible that their execution protects citizens from future murder." 

Although this is a bit wordy, this shows that criminals just like many people are afraid of death.  When one is convicted they wish to get life in prison over the death sentence because they simply are afraid of death. And in this, this may be the ultimate deterrent of many other crimes.

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