Sunday, November 24, 2013

Not Worth Prop 34

Main Argument
Prop 34 deals with replacing the death sentence with life imprisonment, without any possibility for parole, to prevent killing anyone that could be considered innocent. While this proposition does bring up some good points, abolishing the death penalty means the community has to pay taxes to keep criminals in prison until they pass away. This is not only a waste of money, but also brings up questions like why should we pay to keep a murderer, rapist, burglar, etc. alive with our hard-earned money? Some law-breakers, depending on their crime, don’t deserve to have a life sentence. People need to realize that this money should be used towards education and city prosperity rather than on the lives of convicts.

Link and Analysis
This video shows many people affected by a criminal and their views on proposition 34.
This video is a political ad against proposition 34. It shows some criminals and their horrific crimes and explains that if prop 34 is passed, these criminals will get away with their illegal acts.

Visual Arguments & Analysis
This picture shows how some criminals, (in this picture Saddam Hussein), do not comply with the law. That is until they are faced with the death sentence
This political cartoon shows how some people don’t believe in the death penalty. This can backfire by having the criminals suffer more than before.

Significant Quotes & Analysis
"Baby killers, cop killers and serial killers make up the majority of people on death row. They've committed absolutely atrocious crimes."

"I was raised to be accountable for my actions, and the state's not doing that with its citizens,"

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